

Once return request has been placed with Customer Service, it usually takes 4 business days to have the product picked from your place and another 7 days to initiate refund after successful product inspection by quality check department. Once the item is received in our warehouse, it undergoes a quality check which takes about 2 days. The receipt of the refund would depend on the mode of payment chosen by you.

The expected timelines are as below:

Payment Method Refund Receipt Time
Prepaid orders 7 Business days after successful Quality Check
COD Orders* 7 Business days after successful Quality Check



If you need to cancel your order, please send us an email at within 6 hours of placing the order from Monday to Saturday between 9 AM- 6 PM.

Please be advised that some of the orders are shipped almost immediately and it may not always be possible to cancel.

Any amount paid will be credited into the same payment mode using which the payment was made.


For Debit Card and Credit Card transfers the time taken for refund depends majorly on the bank.

Banks will send an SMS to customers for credit amount of more than INR. 5000 only. In case your refund is less than INR. 5000, please check your bank account or credit card statement for confirmation.

In case of refunds, we will only refund the product price. Delivery and handling charges will not be refunded.

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